We listen Support Coordination are supporting recipients to access their age care packages. Partnered with Trilogy Care we will assist you to manage services under a range of funding arrangements including but not limited to My Aged Care and NDIS funding. We will work closely with you and your close supports to provide you with quality outcomes that are achieved using a flexible, creative and with a collaborative approach. We will assist you to develop and maintain an extensive network of supports to remain safe and as independent as possible.
We provide NDIS Support Coordination and Recovery Coaches for NDIS participants. We work closely with participants and their family or supports to build their capacity and work towards their goals. Support Coordination will assist you to build the skills you need to understand and use your plan. Support Coordination will work with you and your supports to ensure a mix of supports are used to increase your capacity to maintain relationships, manage service delivery tasks, live more independently and be included in your community. We Listen Support Coordination Recovery coaches will help you connect with health and mental health services outside the NDIS, to make sure all services work well together and stay connected. Assist to build your independence and capacity and support you navigate through your NDIS plan and support you to work towards your goals.
If you are needing Support Coordination or Psychosocial recovery coaches please complete the referral and we will get back to you. Please download the form and return to admin@welistensc.com.au.
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